About me

My passion to integrate finance with engineering

Born and raised in California, I began my career in the San Francisco Bay Area as a CPA with the Big Four. After business school in the Midwest, I moved to China and entered the oil and gas industry, working primarily in upstream research and consulting at IHS Energy. Many of the projects we did required extensive data mining and acquisition in order to construct the forecasting models that would be useful for clients.

As Research Manager for IMA, my projects begin to veer into hard data analysis, which necessitated learning how to code, especially in R and Python. I took a strong liking to R, with my favorite data science project building multi-variate regression models in order to find correlations between variables and make forecasts.

I am passionate about full-stack engineering and making technology useful for everyday considerations.

In early 2021, I entered the NEO blockchain hackathon, with the idea to decentralize the market intelligence industry using Web3 technologies. For my efforts and presentation, my project ended up as one of the 12 winners (out of 90+ entrants) selected for incubation. I released DDR to a succesful launch in March of 2022. I was most recently building end-to-end, commercial-grade applications as a Software Platforms Engineer at QBoson , a leading-edge quantum computing company. I am now focused on projects that streamline the integration between engineering and accounting/ FP&A.